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Monday, June 22, 2009
♥ 3:05 PM

Changing my blog's url with effect from today.



Sunday, June 21, 2009
♥ 9:43 PM

Happy Father's Day to all fathers.

i think my family tend to be more biased against fathers. just the way we celebrate mother's and father's day is simply so much different. we always celebrate this 2 occassions with my extended family and then we'll have a simple celebration on our own.

for mother's day this year, we went to Sakura for buffet and my sis bought a durian cake. but today, we had no plans for our father at all. we didnt even went out for a simple meal and we didnt even buy any cake at all. just see the difference and by our actions, it just shows how biased we are. i think my dad should be quite emo now cos even my mum went out to play mahjong instead of staying home. that's mistake on our part and we'll not repeat it again.

on a lighter note, i enjoyed the time spent crapping with my cousins for the past 2 days. haven seen them for like a month, and it's always nice catching up with all of them. we are all growing up and are getting more and more busy with our own lives but it's still great to be able to just put down everything for that few hours just to sit down together and laugh about anything possible. i'm a family kind of person so i love every moment spend with them, it's something that can never be bought with money no matter how rich you are. treasure the time with them because you dont have forever on this planet.

i'm not being emo here tonight in case you think i am.

congrats to peifen for receiving her letter from PSB, like finally after so many weeks. it's painful to be waiting and waiting and now, we're spared from the suffering of having to wait again. and we're gonna be schoolmates once again after the 2years long separation during jc. But i doubt we will bump into each other in school at all cos i study in the day and pf at night. but still, we are schoolmates laa. =)

had a small tiff with my bf but i guess that's always inevitable in a relationship. we all have our emo days and mood swings to deal with. and it does hurts a lot but at the same time, it probably make us bond even better and even closer. times like this dont always happen but when it happen, it really sucks. we're past a month and will be going into the 2nd month soon enough, i hope we are gonna get stronger, much more stronger.

finally decided to go register for basic theory test. intended to go private for the theory and will be taking the test on 10th July together with my sister. just reading through the handbook as many times as possible, no trial test nothing. hopefully can pass with the first try. pf and jh faster give me tips on what the popular qns are!! after BTT den can start to learn driving, so exciting! looking forward to it but at the same time, there's still fear la. fear of doing and learning something new. omgxzxzxz!



Wednesday, June 17, 2009
♥ 12:35 PM


been having durian feast for the past few days, durian for dinner or durian for dessert. cos my mum bought 20kg of durian when she went malaysia on sunday. but they brought like 10kg over to my ahma house, if not we can never finish it.

anyway, jh brought us down to nyp on monday to play badminton. we were not suppose to be playing there cos it's only open for their students but den we manage to sneak in successfully as nyp 'students'.

after that, left early with pf cos i need to meet my sister for lunch. yes, my sis is free for lunch-out everyday for an hour so we all take turns to go and find her for lunch.

went off about 5 to meet bf for dinner and movie. we watched Ghosts of girlfriends past and i thought it was just average. i could have choose to watch drag me to hell instead cos my sister said it was real scary and real funny. but my bf said that watching horror movies is a waste of money, but i think is because he's just scared and don dare to admit la. Hahah.

yesterday, i spent the whole day clearing my room and cupboard. finally, i overcome my laziness and decided to clear all my jc notes etc. yes, i kept all my notes up till yesterday. all the lecture notes, tutorials and files. hahah and i think everything weighs up to like 30kg.?? i don know how to deal with the books though, it's all quite clean and new but who wants it!! garang guni.

anyway, was damn bored and decided to listen to mrbrown's podcast and i think recently ones are all damn funny. go and check it out, especially the one on safe sex education and the funeral one. i swear you can laugh like crazy, good way to de-stress, not that i'm very stressed la but helping those who are stress.

ok la, enough. bye!


Saturday, June 13, 2009
♥ 8:48 PM

i'm alone at home on a saturday night, how rare.

my mum went for her mahjong session as usual and my dad went to malaysia with my grandparents. my sis is working and my bro's family is out.

instead of feeling lonely and bored, i'm actually enjoying this quiet night very much. it's been very long since i have the chance to be at home myself with no one disturbing and having the whole house to myself for just this few hours. not that i'm a loner la, but times like this are needed once in a while.

at times like this, i get to sit down quietly and think about anything and everything. my parents are urging me to get a job and earn some money for my future expenses but here i am, doing nothing about it. i guess i'm just a big disappointment to them now. i brought newspapers today to look for jobs but i've yet to touch the papers yet. okay, i will go flip through the papers once i'm done blogging.

i neglected you quite a bit this few days and i'm truly sorry. i just really wasnt in the mood or it's just pure moodswing. i know i really made you worry and angry quite a bit but den again, i don mean it. i promise to be a better gf in time to come and will TRY not to piss you off again. thanks for putting up with my crap and giving in to me again and again.

lastly, i'm really going to look for a job on the papers now. hope i can get one and start like as soon as possible. stop wasting time jinying! bye!


Thursday, June 11, 2009
♥ 7:33 PM

wanted to post some pics from my jarkata trip but i have posted those photos on my facebook instead and so i'm lazy to post it here again.

went to watch monsters vs alien just now and i was almost falling asleep actually. i never liked watching this kind of movies in cinema, waste of money. but since it's free, i just went in to sleep instead. more new movies screening from today onwards and in the next few weeks. most anticipated movie event of the year, transformers!

i have been procrastinating a lot lately, i wanted to get a job like as soon as possible but i'm not bothered to flip newspapers. i think by the time i wanna seriously go get a part-time job, school will be starting soon. the person-in-charged told me that she will be informing about orientation and all other admin stuff. it's been 2years since i last had an orientation, now it's all about making new friends once again. not very sure what's installed for me in the next few months, hope everything will turn out just great. =)

came across this song yesterday and the lyrics are so damn meaningful to me.

lessons learned by Carrie Underwood

There's some things that I regret,
Some words I wish had gone unsaid,
Some starts,
That had some better endings,
Been some bad times I've been through,
Damage I cannot undo.
Some things,I wish I could do all all over again,
But it don't really matter,
When life gets that much harder,
It makes you that much stronger,
Oh, some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were, Lessons learned.

And every tear that had to fall from my eyes,
And everyday I wondered how I'd get through the night,
Every change, life has thrown me,
I'm thankful, for every break in my heart,
I'm grateful, for every scar,
Some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were lessons learned.

There's mistakes that I have made,
Some chances I just threw away,
Some roads,I never should have taken,
Been some signs I didn't see,
Hearts that I hurt needlessly,
Some wounds,That I wish I could have one more chance to mend,
But it don't make no difference,
The past can't be rewritten,
You get the life you're given,
Oh, some pages turned,
Some bridges burned,
But there were,Lessons learned.

And all the things that break you,
Are the things that make you strong!
You can't change the past, Cause it's gone.
And you just gotta move on,
Because it's all
Lessons learned.

though time cannot be turned back, but at least i did learn from my failure and what doesnt kills me only makes me a stronger person. a much more stronger person than before. i may have screwed up my a's and didnt do well enough to get into a local uni but it's all past and i've moved on. i'm looking forward to something new and fresh and definitely looking forward to school starting in august once again. it's good to be a student rather than working i believe.

okay! bye!


Monday, June 08, 2009
♥ 8:35 PM

I'm back from Jarkata!

and pf didnt even know i actually went to jarkata last friday, she thought it was this coming friday! thanks ar, pf!

the weather there is like even hotter than singapore and the environment is quite polluted and the traffic there was horrible. there are few traffic lights across the whole street and ppl just cross the road randomly. they have frequent traffic jams, especially bad on weekdays because of the ppl going to and fro to work. we had our own driver who seriously got no patience man. he drives really fast and keep sounding the honk whenever the car infront slows down or is blocking his way. it's quite dangerous actually.

i saw a young boy(younger than my nephew who's 5) going car to car begging for money in the middle of the road during a traffic jam. i saw a man who's half-blind begging for money while cars are moving. i see people selling snacks/papers/water just to earn a living and they go from car to car to sell it. but, no one ever gives the poor any money and no one bother to buy anything as well.

we must not take things for granted and learn to appreciate everything that we have. looking at the young boy begging for money in the middle of the road is really a very sad situation. he could have been knocked down by reckless drivers that may be speeding but still, he needed to beg for money because he's extremely poor(i think) from what he's wearing. we must be contented for what our parents are giving and have gave us and not complain about anything under the sun. we have a proper shelther and nice clothes to wear which many of them dont have.

perhaps you wont get my point until you really see it with your own bare eyes; the kind of pain that they're suffering is something that we can never understand. which is why we should start to count our blessings now. we're so much more fortunate compared to them. we are blessed, so much blessed in fact. living in a completely different city for just a few days really helped me realise many things.

i realised that i'm a very fortunate girl to have such loving family and friends. i have a family who is willing to give all out just to put me through university. i have brothers and sisters who pamper me with lots of love and present at times. i have parents who are working hard just to give me a better life(material and emotionally). i have friends whom i can talk with and approach in times of need. i have a bf who's loving me now and always giving in to me.

i should just start appreciating everyone and everything around me. this trip was really an eye-opening one for me. so much so that i learn valuable life lessons, lessons that can never be learn in classrooms and can only be taught through real-life experiences.

well, the trip was basically very short and we did shopping everyday. right from the moment we reached, we had a meal and started shopping. actually, the shopping malls are very much the same in singapore just that they have more levels. mostly branded stuffs and their LV was really super big compared to the one in spore, some more don need to queue to go in; the door is open big for customers to go in.

on the 2nd day, my bro's wife father(not gf already, is wife now) treated us to dinner at this super grand restaurant. it was authentic local indonesian food and it was super nice, not what you normally get in singapore. den can order our own main course and dessert. its really too high class until we don dare to take pictures. my bro say cannot camwhore because very malu. so i don hav any pic of the restaurant.

but we went to their house on the last day and i swear i thought i was in museum. their place was full of sculptures and whatever stuffs la. even singapore may also not be able to find this kind of house with so many art pieces. my sis bf got take pics of it, maybe i can upload another day. their dinner table is long like dunno what, just like the little nyonya show that dining table.

very exaggerating to see this in real life, other than on tv. and they wear shoes at home one okay, don need to take off at all. the maids must have a hard time cleaning the house everyday, already big enough den still wear shoes and walk inside. their house is really freaking big la, dunno how to describe.

anyway, i didnt really buy much things over there. my sis got me a nike bag which was quite cheap only aout 20plus. the sports brand there like nike and adidas is so much cheaper there okay. same product but much much cheaper there. but i only got a nike bag and that's all cos i didnt wanna spend so much money. =)

i think there's nothing much there if you don like shopping. cos it's really just shopping and shopping. i was super tired when i got back, i just sleep my whole day away today and do nothing else. i think it's time i start looking for a part-time job now. earn money to support myself!!

i miss you like so much baby. our first mth is coming and you will be in camp, how great!!



Tuesday, June 02, 2009
♥ 6:14 PM

i'm back again!

i was quite down when i was posting the previous entry. because i was badly hit by the news that came. and i had second thoughts about whether i should be really studying at private uni. it's a kind of bad feeling that i have inside of me which i doubt many can understand unless you're in the same situation as me.. but pf understood it and thanks for that encouraging advice you given me, i really thank you for talking it out with me.

and now, i'm finally feeling more relaxed because i'm glad for... well, as long as i know it in my heart then it's enough! i appreciate my sis and mum's effort in trying to help me get through this hurdle which i thought we couldnt handle. they're trying and giving in everything they have just to pull me through and i feel so loved and promise to work hard for them.

this is not gonna be an empty promise, trust me. my mum has been very supportive of me all along and she told me just now to study hard this time and really make every cents worth it. i totally love my mum to bits!!

anyway, i've made the payment of $668++ to retake alevels this year few months back. but i wont be retaking anymore and so we're getting full refund!! YAY. full refund because i got accepted into PSB Academy. i was still quite afraid that we wont be able to get the money back and i will be wasting that few hundred dollars just like that. but but, i emailed MOE yesterday and they told me i can get back the full refund. FULL. how good is that, so efficient.

making a trip down to PSB Academy tmr to submit all the forms and make payment for school fees. private uni really cost a bomb! we have to pay $11k tmr. wow, if only the money drops from the sky or something tonight. den it'll be so miracle! hahah just kidding la, money matters have been settled. i'm glad my family stands by me. i know i've repeated this a few times but i really feel so greatful. and no one can understand how i feel inside now. it's just pure joy.

Jarkata in a few days time. reading about the news of the France airplane that WENT MISSING made me extremely scare of taking any plane now. i mean such a big plane can go missing in the air and still cant be found, it's really frightening. i hope that our flight will be a smooth and safe one, i really hope!

and i think it's time i should start working now. earn more pocket money for my own expenses while i'm in uni. and if i need to get a laptop, then all the more i should start earning money. i do feel bad about it when my family already has to pay for the fees which is &!#$@#!. So, i have to play my part as well. lighten the burden.

my phone is screwed anyway. messages that you sent tonight may only be received in the next morning. or messages ppl sent in the morning, i only received at night. to hell with my phone, it's full of problems! zzz
